Preaching the Gospel

Faith comes by hearing. The gospel is good news from God, concerning his grace, plan, and purposes for humanity, as given in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Listen to some sermons. Here. Click. This is one of the messages I preached (2012):

Preaching Christ: NCTM (New Creation Teaching Ministry) published books under the label NCPI (New Creation Publications Incorporated).

The books were written to proclaim Christ, to bless, guide, encourage and teach people. They served as a way to supplement, and to assist or advance the preaching of the gospel. The preached Word of Christ is God’s way to bring life-changing words, and the Holy Spirit, to a person, to families, churches, communities and nations.

Today, as ever, there is a need for good and helpful preaching. Jesus works through preachers, as his Word says:

“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the preaching of Christ” (Romans 10:17).

If you go to sermon audio, where this link takes you, there are many good messages by a variety of speakers – under the group called:

“Australian Christian Teaching Service”.

If you go here you can find hundreds of quality messages, concerning Jesus Christ, and the grace of God.

Go well. Cheers.

About Trevor

I grew up at Myponga, as the a son of dairy farming parents. I joined the South Australian Police Force. I later returned home to manage the family dairy farm. Having believed the good news, I now see its centrality and necessity to human life, and to our participation with proper hope in the world we live in. I teach Christian faith.
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